So what comes first, money healing or selling your high ticket offer? In this episode, Regan shares that in a perfect world of course money healing would come before you begin to sell your high ticket coaching. But not to fret if you haven’t started this journey, because in this episode Regan gives you the starting point. Regan shares that when we aren’t aware of what is going on between our ears (aka our thoughts), they hold the power to turn into our reality. So when you have funky thoughts around money it impacts your ability to confidently sell your high ticket offers. Regan shares that one of the reasons why you are having a hard time signing high ticket clients may just be this reason right here, the way you think about money.
In this episode, Regan shares the concept of how our thoughts around money turn into our belief system, and from that belief system, we create a reality of either signing consistent clients or struggling. Regan breaks down the 3 main money beliefs that get in the way of selling your high ticket offer: who am I to take their money, the fear of spending money because it will run out, and more money, more problems. Regan shares what these look like in action, how they impact your ability to sell your high ticket offer, and then what to do to move through each one of these beliefs so that you can begin to call in more dream clients. Regan gives you the groundwork to begin to work through your money mindset blocks so that you can start to sell your high ticket coaching without all the mind drama. It is time to step out of self-sabotage and into a large amount of wealth through the power of re-integrating new beliefs around money.
Highlights from the episode:
– Regan highlight how your thoughts and belief turns into actions
-Regan shares a personal story of how her thoughts turned into a reality she didn’t love.
-Regan highlights the 3 main Money Mindset blocks that get in the way of selling your high ticket offer
-Regan shares what to do in order to begin to work through these money beliefs in order to sell your high ticket offers.
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The woman behind Regan Storm LLC coaching. Regan went from being a lost, overworked employee to a 6 figure sales + self-trust mastery coach. Now she is on a mission to help you do the same in your coaching business so this can be your forever job.